Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Teen passenger killed in single-car crash

Updated Monday, Oct. 22, 2012 | 5:04 p.m.

A 16-year-old girl was killed Monday when the car she was riding in crashed into a wall in the eastern Las Vegas Valley, Metro Police spokeswoman Laura Meltzer said.

Police responded to the accident at McLeod Drive south of Palora Avenue just before 9 a.m. A 1994 Toyota Corolla sedan was traveling northbound on McLeod Drive in the bus turnout lane when the car careened off the road, jumped the sidewalk and crashed into a residential block wall, according to the traffic report.

The girl was transported to Sunrise Hospital's trauma center, where she was pronounced dead.

The driver, Gustavo Mahuiztl, 19, was also taken to the hospital. He suffered minor injuries, police said.

Police have not released a cause for the crash and are continuing to investigate.

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