Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Court suspends former Clark County drug prosecutor


Left: Clark County prosecutor David Schubert speaks to the judge as Paris Hilton pleads guilty to a cocaine possession charge at the Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas on Sept. 20, 2010. Right: Schubert’s jail booking photo after a March 19 arrest on drug charges.

The Nevada Supreme Court has temporarily suspended a former Clark County drug prosecutor from practicing law for his guilty plea to possession of cocaine.

Justices unanimously agreed Thursday that David Schubert should be suspended. They referred the matter to the Nevada State Bar to determine the how long his suspension should last.

Schubert prosecuted high-profile Las Vegas drug cases, including plea deals with celebrities Paris Hilton and Bruno Mars.

Schubert resigned from the Clark County district attorney's office after he was arrested in March 2011 with a $40 rock of cocaine and an unregistered handgun in his car.

He pleaded guilty in September 2011. Schubert was sentenced to nine months in jail but remains free while he appeals that sentence.

Schubert was a Las Vegas prosecutor for 10 years.

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