Las Vegas Sun

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Teen gang member arrested in slaying of 14-year-old says he’s haunted by his actions

Updated Thursday, April 11, 2013 | 12:20 a.m.

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Ricky Brown

A Las Vegas 16-year-old is charged in connection with a shooting at a party four months ago that left 14-year-old Haji Mohamud dead from a bullet in his head and another person wounded.

Police arrested Ricky Brown, a.k.a. Gooney Mac, a known member of the Money Gang, Wednesday morning. Brown told a witness he was haunted by his actions during that party on Jan. 12 that left his friend dead, a Metro Police report said.

The report indicated the following:

That night, Brown and Mohamud partied with members of at least 16 different gangs at the Sage Point apartments in the 1400 block of East Reno Avenue. Mohamud was his friend, nicknamed Lil Gooney Mac after him, and a recent inductee into the Money Gang.

As the night wore on, the party grew raucous. A window was shattered and the host ordered people to leave. Around that time, Brown told the witness he was angry.

A woman at the party heard him say, “I’m going to air this place out.” The last thing she saw was Brown pull out a handgun and fire into the crowd. Brown told the witness he and "Money Reecee" were both firing. People began to run.

Mohamud tried to run, but he was caught in the middle of the crossfire.

The party ended with Mohamud sprawled outside on the dirt with a bullet hole in his head. Kavouise Jackson, 18, was also injured in the shooting.

Days later, Mohamud’s blood still stained the dirt like spilled red paint. At least 40 people witnessed the events unfold, but none stepped forward to name the shooter. Brown told the witness he never meant for Mohamud to be shot.

Brown was identified as an attendee at the party and was interviewed by detectives on Feb. 27, but he was not placed under arrest at that time, police said. He claimed he never had a gun at the party, and he evaded questions about a Feb. 18 arrest in which he was found with guns, police said.

Detectives determined through subsequent forensic testing that one of those guns was used in the shooting at the party, and arrested Brown.

Brown is charged with murder with use of a deadly weapon and attempted murder.

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