Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Car hits pedestrian in central valley

Accident scene

A pedestrian was transported to University Medical Center after being hit by a sedan around 11 a.m. Thursday, according to Metro Police.

The accident occurred at South Wynn and West Spring Mountain roads in the central valley, Metro Officer Laura Meltzer said.

The pedestrian suffered unspecified injuries that were not thought to be life-threatening, Meltzer said.

Meltzer said police issued a traffic citation to the sedan driver.

The accident was the second involving a vehicle and a pedestrian in less than a two-hour period Thursday morning in Las Vegas. About 9:40 a.m., a semitruck struck a woman in a wheelchair at West Sahara Avenue and South Valley View Boulevard. The woman suffered “substantial” injuries in that accident, police said.

“Looks like these are accidents where someone wasn’t paying attention one way or another,” Meltzer said.

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