Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Brockovich-Ellis accused of boating while intoxicated on Lake Mead

Erin Brockovich-Ellis, an environmental advocate and the subject of the eponymous Academy Award-winning film, was arrested Friday on a count of boating while intoxicated on Lake Mead, wildlife officials said.

Brockovich-Ellis, 52, was booked into the Clark County Detention Center on Friday night after the Lake Mead game warden, Casen Haslem, observed her struggling to dock her boat, said Edwin Lygar, a Nevada Department of Wildlife spokesman.

Haslem conducted a field sobriety test and found Brockovich-Ellis to be over the legal limit for alcohol and arrested her, Lygar said.

The 2000 film "Erin Brockovich," starring Julia Roberts, was based on the life of Brockovich-Ellis, now a legal consultant.

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