Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Accused casino cheat held in Las Vegas will be extradited to California

A well-known professional gambler accused of cheating at cards at a Southern California casino has agreed to be extradited from Nevada to California.

Chryste Domingo, executive aide to Justice of the Peace Joe M. Bonaventure in Las Vegas, says Archie Karas agreed to the extradition on Thursday.

Karas, 62, was arrested at his Las Vegas home in September. He remains jailed at the Clark County Detention Center pending his transfer in custody to San Diego to face charges that could get him up to three years in prison if convicted.

The San Diego County district attorney alleges the 62-year-old Karas won $8,000 in July by marking blackjack cards at the Barona Casino.

Karas is a high-stakes gambler known for a 1992-95 winning streak that earned him $40 million at Las Vegas tables before he gambled it away.

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