Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024


Two local nonprofits hope to expand facilities if they receive grant from philanthropy

Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth and New Vista Ranch are finalists for money

Two local nonprofit organizations are in the running for $380,000 in grant funding from the Nevada Women’s Philanthropy.

The Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth and New Vista Ranch are the finalists for two grants from the women’s charity: a $350,000 first-place prize and a $30,000 Founder’s Grant for the runner-up.

The Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth serves homeless teenagers, providing them food, shelter, and a place to do laundry and access a computer. The nonprofit is looking to expand their facilities with the grant.

WEB TEXTNew Vista Ranch is an adult care facility that works with adults and children who have mental disabilities and their families. If awarded the grant money, the nonprofit plans to create a clinic where a physician can see patients and help Touro University medical students learn how to work with patients with mental disabilities.

The two nonprofits were among 41 organizations that applied for the grants in January. The applicant pool was winnowed by the Nevada Women’s Philanthropy’s volunteer executive board between February and May.

Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth and New Vista Ranch spent the summer preparing for 30-minute presentations to philanthropy members. The presentations were given Tuesday morning at UNLV’s student union.

After their presentations, the two nonprofit finalists took questions from the charity’s 81 members. Each member donates $5,000 to join the philanthropy, which allows them a vote for which charities will receive the grants by Oct. 18.

“It will be a heart-wrenching decision,” philanthropy spokeswoman Anne Kellogg said. “There are so many deserving nonprofits in Nevada.”

Since 2006, the Nevada Women’s Philanthropy has gifted more than $2.5 million to 13 organizations in Southern Nevada. Past recipients include Goodwill Industries of Southern Nevada, Salvation Army of Southern Nevada, the Rape Crisis Center, the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada, the Public Education Foundation and the Greater Las Vegas After-School All-Stars.

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