Las Vegas Sun

July 27, 2024

Las Vegas showman Wayne Newton’s yacht sinks at Lake Mead

Wayne Newton's sunken ship

Courtesy of Lake Mead National Recreation Area

Las Vegas entertainer Wayne Newton’s 65-foot yacht nicknamed “Rendezvous” sank while docked at Temple Bar Marina at the Arizona side of Lake Mead on Friday, Oct. 18, 2013.

Updated Monday, Oct. 21, 2013 | 3:39 p.m.

Las Vegas entertainer Wayne Newton’s 65-foot yacht sank Friday while docked at Temple Bar Marina on the Arizona side of Lake Mead.

Newton spokeswoman Tricia McCrone said the yacht was in pristine condition and filled with artwork and family photos chosen by Newton’s wife, Kathleen.

It appears an equipment failure caused Newton's 1996 Skipperliner, the Rendezvous, to take on water and sink within minutes, Lake Mead National Recreation Area spokeswoman Christie Vanover said.

A photo supplied by Lake Mead officials showed the 60-ton boat partially submerged with a portion jutting out of the 45-foot deep water.

No one was aboard at the time, and no injuries were reported, Vanover said. No fuel or hazardous materials have leaked into the water, she said.

Lake Havasu City Vessel Assist will salvage the boat later this week, Vanover said.

National Park Service rangers were investigating.

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