Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Teacher at Lied Middle School accused of attempted lewdness with student

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Michael Barclay

A second Lied Middle School teacher has been arrested on sex-related allegations involving a student, officials said Wednesday.

Michael Barclay, 44, has been charged with attempted statutory sexual seduction by a person over 21 and attempted lewdness with a child under 14, according to court records. Both charges are felonies.

Metro Police said Barclay surrendered today and was booked into the Clark County Detention Center, where he remains without bail.

Barclay, who taught history at Lied Middle School, was placed on home assignment several months ago, said Melinda Malone, spokeswoman for the Clark County School District. Now that formal charges have been filed, the district will begin the process of terminating his employment, she said.

Barclay’s arrest comes a month after fellow teacher Alphonso Washington, who taught special education and served as the girls basketball coach at Lied, was charged with two counts of open and gross lewdness.

The school’s principal, Kimberly Bass-Davis, also was placed on home assignment pending an investigation, Malone said. The nature of that investigation was not clear.

Detectives began investigating Barclay in late July after allegations made by a male student, police said. The case involves electronic communication.

Barclay is scheduled to make his first appearance in Las Vegas Justice Court on Friday morning, according to jail records.

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