Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Cliven Bundy supporters gather as BLM cattle roundup continues

Cliven Bundy Supporters Gather

Ed Komenda

Supporters of Cliven Bundy gather near his home in Bunkerville.

Supporters of rancher Cliven Bundy are gathering today near the Virgin River not far from his home in Bunkerville.

They're waiting for BLM agents to approach Bundy's house and plan to block them. Some supporters are armed and others identify themselves as militiamen.

Sun reporter Ed Komenda in is Bunkerville talking with Bundy supporters. He's sharing updates and photos on Twitter.

And here’s what everyone else is writing:

Elko Daily Free Press: Commentary: Ranchers need to stand against BLM roundup

Desert News: Utahns paying close attention to dispute between BLM, Nevada rancher

John L. Smith: Government in full force to corral cattle, First Amendment

Washington Post: The federal government moved some cows and Nevada’s governor isn’t happy about it

Los Angeles Times: BLM seizes cattle in range war with stubborn Nevada rancher

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