Las Vegas Sun

July 27, 2024

Las Vegas’ Major League Soccer bid hits delay but still alive, city says

Las Vegas' bid for a 24,000-seat downtown soccer stadium hit another delay today.

City leaders canceled an Aug. 20 City Council review of the financial plan for the Major League Soccer stadium. That delay comes after the city and stadium developers called off three previous meetings with the public or casino operators.

City spokesman David Riggleman said the city continues to work on the plan with Baltimore-based Cordish Cos. and Findlay Sports & Entertainment.

Riggleman said the three groups have until Sept. 1 to agree on the deal's key terms. City Council members have previously said they wanted at least two weeks to review a plan before voting on it. If the terms are final on Sept. 1, the earliest a plan might be considered would be the regular council meeting Sept. 17.

A July 22 city memo put the stadium cost at $201 million with 74 percent paid by taxpayers. Once built, the city would own the stadium and rent it to the developers.

But long before the stadium is built, the developers will have to win a competition for a Major League Soccer team.

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