Las Vegas Sun

July 27, 2024


Giada De Laurentiis talks career and happiness

Giada De Laurentiis in black and white

Steve Marcus

Giada De Laurentiis

Editor’s Note: With the close of 2014, here is the next in our series of candid Q+A's with 14 prominent Nevada personalities who were asked to answer 14 questions in 14 or fewer words.

Giada De Laurentiis, chef, TV personality and entrepreneur

What modern-day invention can you not live without?

My iPhone.

If you could meet anyone — living or dead — who would it be, and what’s the first question you would ask them?

The Pope. What three pearls of wisdom he learned on his journey to becoming Pope.

Name your favorite TV series and why?

"CBS Sunday Morning." I feel smarter after watching.

What moral values are essential for a successful career?

No regrets!

How do you define happiness?

The ability to laugh and smile.

How do you defuse stress or tension?

I do a lot of yoga and deep breathing.

What is your favorite pick-up line?

I haven't paid any attention to them in 25 years!

Any guilty pleasure(s)?

Late-night spaghetti with chocolate chips.

What is your most embarrassing public moment?

It’s too embarrassing to discuss.

What words best describe the city you live in?

The beautiful sunsets.

What is the most difficult task you’ve accomplished this year?

Definitely opening a Las Vegas restaurant.

What is the most important topic for the Nevada Legislature to address during the 2015 session?

No comment.

Any regrets this past year?

No regrets.

What is your top priority moving into 2015?

More smiling!

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