Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Boy, 7, bitten by pit bull, undergoes surgery

Dog attack

A 7-year-old boy was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries Friday afternoon after he was attacked by a pit bull outside his family’s home.

Metro Police Lt. John Loretto said the child was bitten about 6 p.m. near the front of his home in the 2100 block of Exeter Drive near Lake Mead and Hollywood boulevards in the northeast Las Vegas Valley.

He underwent surgery at University Medical Center later that evening to be treated for a bite on his right calf.

Loretto said someone shot the animal twice after it bit the boy — the animal was alive as of late Friday. Animal Control staff removed it from the family’s home this evening.

Although the dog does not appear to be a stray, police have not yet determined who it belongs to.

Child Protective Services officials have been summoned to investigate the incident.

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