Las Vegas Sun

June 17, 2024

World’s tallest dog from Michigan dies at age 5

Tall dog

AP Photo/Kalamazoo Gazette-MLive Media Group, Jonathon Gruenke

In this photo taken on Sept. 9, 2010, Kevin and Denise Doorlag’s then 2-year-old Great Dane, Zeus, sits in a love seat at their home in Ostego, Mich. Zeus, who held the title of world’s tallest dog, died last week from old age, just two months short of his sixth birthday.

OTSEGO, Mich. — The Great Dane from Michigan that held the title of world's tallest dog has died at age 5.

Owner Kevin Doorlag told the Kalamazoo Gazette that Zeus made his debut in the 2012 edition of Guinness World Records as the tallest living dog. Zeus was 44 inches tall at the shoulder and 7 feet, 4 inches on his hind legs.

Zeus weighed 165 pounds and ate a 30-pound bag of food every two weeks, the Battle Creek Enquirer reported.

Doorlag, of Otsego, said the entire family will miss Zeus.

Zeus was a local celebrity in the Kalamazoo area and frequently visited local schools and hospitals as a therapy dog. Doorlag said he will also miss seeing the joy Zeus brought to other people.

"Those are some of the things I'll never forget about him," Doorlag said. "He was definitely a great dog."

Zeus died last week from old age, just two months shy of his sixth birthday, according to Doorlag.

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