Las Vegas Sun

June 18, 2024

California city’s police kill man they say stabbed 6 people

LONG BEACH, Calif. — Long Beach police have shot and killed a man they say stabbed six people.

Sgt. Megan Zabel (ZAYE'-bel) says officers were called to an area near a convalescent home shortly before 8:30 p.m. Friday where they confronted a suspect and shot him to death.

His name and other details haven't been released.

Brian Fisk of the Long Beach Fire Department says five of the six people who were stabbed were taken to nearby hospitals and one person was treated and released at the scene. Zabel says the conditions of those taken to the hospitals range from critical to suffering from superficial wounds.

Zabel says it's unclear whether the convalescent home was involved.

KNBC-TV reports that relatives of the suspected attacker arrived at the scene after learning he had been killed.

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