Las Vegas Sun

July 27, 2024

Gov. Brian Sandoval signs prevailing wage bill

Governor Brian Sandoval

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval signs bills in his office at the Capitol with intergovernmental affairs manager Tyler Klimas, center, and Chief of Staff Gerald Gardner during the final hours of the 77th Legislative session in Carson City, Nev., on Monday, June 3, 2013. (AP Photo/Cathleen Allison)

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval has signed a bill into law exempting school construction projects from paying contractors a prevailing wage.

The Republican governor announced the signing of Senate Bill 119 on Friday evening, and called the measure a "narrowly tailored, extraordinary measure" that would allow school districts to stretch construction funds.

The Assembly narrowly passed the measure forward on Thursday on a near party-line vote. The governor signed separate emergency legislation into law on Wednesday allowing schools to continue issuing construction bonds beyond the term approved by voters.

The AFL-CIO union began running TV ads on Friday urging the governor to veto the bill, and labor representatives say the measure removes wage protections for middle-class families. The union is planning protests in Las Vegas and the Nevada Capitol next week.

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