Las Vegas Sun

June 27, 2024

Ex-student given probation in UTEP betting scheme

EL PASO, Texas — A former West Texas university student has been sentenced to three years of probation for his role in a gambling operation at the school that took bets from basketball players on different sports.

The El Paso Times reports that during a federal court hearing Friday, Michael Karpus apologized, saying he "wasn't thinking about the consequences."

Karpus, from Tarzana, California, pleaded guilty in October to misprision of felony, a charge involving failure to report a felony to authorities.

Authorities say the 26-year-old Karpus received wagers from basketball players at the University of Texas at El Paso.

Karpus' case was part of an investigation made public in January 2014 about gambling by three now-former players for UTEP's men's basketball team. No other charges were filed in the case.

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