Las Vegas Sun

June 17, 2024

Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor in Judge’s Chambers at Yanks


Craig Ruttle / AP

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, center, stands with family and friends just before the Boston Red Sox played the New York Yankees during a baseball game Thursday, Aug. 31, 2017, in New York.

NEW YORK — Sonia Sotomayor looked right at home in The Judge's Chambers.


The Bronx-born U.S. Supreme Court Justice was in the Yankee Stadium crowd Thursday night for the opener of New York's four-game series against the rival Boston Red Sox, which the Yankees won 6-2. Of course, she held court in The Judge's Chambers , the rooting section out in right field for power-hitting rookie Aaron Judge.

When the slumping right fielder came to bat in the second inning, television cameras showed Sotomayor wearing a big smile and one of the black robes handed out to fans in the faux jury box. In her grasp was one of those Styrofoam gavels stamped with "All Rise!"

An inning later, Sotomayor high-fived fans on both sides of her when Gary Sanchez homered for New York.

It was hardly Sotomayor's first visit to the ballpark. A fervent Yankees fan, she threw out a first ball at the current Yankee Stadium during its inaugural season in 2009. She also sat with the Bleacher Creatures in right-center for their "Roll Call" at the outset of a game in 2012.

And while fans presiding in The Judge's Chambers this year must leave their robes behind, the 63-year-old Sotomayor has them all beat: She's got one of her own.

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