September 17, 2024

Las Vegas Sun - Photograph : May The Fourth Weddings

Self-avowed Star Wars nerds Malia Matheson and Evan Browning of Middlesex, Vt. get married at the Little Vegas Chapel Thursday, May 4, 2023. Elmer Turcios-Arriaza, dressed as a Jedi Knight, takes photos at right. Chapels were busy all day with Star Wars-themed weddings as fans came to get married on May the Fourth (May The Force).

Steve Marcus

Self-avowed Star Wars nerds Malia Matheson and Evan Browning of Middlesex, Vt. get married at the Little Vegas Chapel Thursday, May 4, 2023. Elmer Turcios-Arriaza, dressed as a Jedi Knight, takes photos at right. Chapels were busy all day with Star Wars-themed weddings as fans came to get married on May the Fourth (May The Force).