Las Vegas Sun

June 16, 2024

Caucusgoers make the case for their candidates

Nevada 2020 Caucus

Yasmina Chavez

Supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., hold up their presidential preference cards as they wait to be counted during the Nevada 2020 Caucus at Bellagio in Las Vegas, NV Saturday, Feb. 22, 2020. (Yasmina Chavez / Las Vegas Sun)

Democrats gathered across the state today to caucus for their preferred candidates for president. Part of the process involved trying to get supporters of other candidates to switch allegiances.

The Sun had reporters at caucus sites across the valley. Here are some of the arguments they heard from supporters of the candidates. Names are not used because reporters were not allowed to interrupt the process to talk to caucusgoers.

Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont

“I think that Bernie is the one guy that’s been fighting for the same things since the 1960s. We’re talking about (how) it’s important to beat Donald Trump, right? That’s one of the main reasons why we’re here. If you look at the polls, Bernie is the one guy that consistently does that.

“On top of that, he’s supporting stuff that is really popular: 'Medicare for All,' free college, $15 an hour living wage. He’s going to turn out more people because we’re not going to beat Donald Trump using the same formula that we did in 2016. We have to get more people out, and the candidate that does that more than anybody is Bernie Sanders.”

Andrew Yang

“I know most of you here want Donald Trump out, and Andrew Yang is the only one with the coalition to really bring and unite people. He brought in former Trump supporters, libertarians, first-time voters to register for a Democrat. He’s providing a vision that will benefit all of us.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts

“I’m a biochemist. I work at a cannabis testing lab here in Las Vegas. At this testing lab, my job is to make sure consumers are safe at all costs, and the one thing that gets in the way of that is corruption.

"Corruption is the reason why I got into this fight, and it relates to everything. It relates to medical (issues), it relates to gun violence, it relates to the air we breathe.

“It comes down to corruption, and the reason why I chose Elizabeth is because I understand there are other candidates out there that are in that same fight, but Elizabeth is so meticulous. She knows how to get things done by providing well-thought-out plans and giving us the resources and ideas that we need to actually get something done.

“When you apply for a grant, you don’t just tell someone you want to cure HIV/AIDS or cure cancer, you have to give them a plan of how you’re going to do it. You have to provide them resources. You have to provide them a budget. That’s how her mind works, and that’s how she approaches issues. That’s why I support her.”

Former Vice President Joe Biden

"As president, he’s going to fight for the people like me and you. Joe knows workers and the families that are the backbone of this country. Trump fans the flames of hate, tries to take away Obamacare, and does the bidding of the NRA. Joe is going to ensure that every American has access to quality, affordable healthcare by building on Obamacare, will lower costs and will give you the choice between government care and your employee or union insurance.

"Joe got Obamacare done with President Obama. As president, he’ll protect and expand on it.

"Joe will reinstate the weapons ban to help prevent more tragedies like the Las Vegas shooting and allow victims of mass shootings to sue gun owners. He’ll beat the NRA because he’s beat them twice, and he’ll do it again as president."

Former South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg

“For one, I’m an immigrant, and I believe with the current administration, the beacon of hope is him at the current moment. Second, as a former military spouse, I know that Pete understands the sacrifice before he would send any of our servicemen and women out to battle.

"I was also a first responder on the night of Oct. 1. I served as a translator on the Strip. So I’ve seen the damage that these types of weapons do to our communities and our schools. I have those images to live with for the rest of my life. I think Pete understands that those weapons of mass destruction should not be on our streets, because he does understand the meaning of sacrifice.

"For anyone who says he lacks experience, look at what we have now."

Billionaire philanthropist Tom Steyer

"I think he’s a middle-of-the-road candidate. He’s not too far left, so he can attract the most independent votes in the middle. Winning the election is everything.

"He’s very, very smart. He’s not like Trump. (Trump) is more like a crook."

Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota

"She just seems like the most level-headed of the bunch. I like that: middle-of-the-road."