September 26, 2024

Emergency fund created to support Nevada nonprofits responding to coronavirus

A regional charitable organization has established an emergency response fund to support nonprofits in Nevada as they respond to the coronavirus pandemic.

The Nevada Community Foundation says the fund will primarily support organizations working to help seniors, vulnerable populations and first responders. People over 65 as well as those with compromised immune systems and underlying health conditions are at the highest risk of contracting severe and fatal cases of coronavirus.

All donations sent to the fund will go directly to nonprofits, as the foundation has pledged to forgo administrative fees associated with managing the fund. Online donations can be made at

The Nevada Community Foundation was established in 1989 to support various philanthropic funds in Southern Nevada, according to president Gian Brosco. During the pandemic, nonprofits will likely experience a drop in funding and donations, so this emergency response fund aims to make up for that funding gap.

“For those organizations tirelessly serving our community’s most vulnerable populations during these unprecedented times, you have our unending respect and gratitude for your courage and commitment,” Brosco said in a statement. “We stand united with you and urge our donors to continue to support these wonderful organizations.”

The foundation pledges to work with community stakeholders to develop an effective plan for implementation of the fund. It will also announce how nonprofits can apply for the funding soon.