Las Vegas Sun

May 3, 2024

Archive for September 23, 2007

Manish Desai walked into the exhibit hall looking for a new left arm. His had been amputated because of cancer, and visiting the Sands Convention Center on Thursday was like walking into a super store ...
7:30 a.m.
Want to infuriate parents? Tell them their child's school is switching to a year-round calendar. The Superintendent's Year-Round Study Group began its work a week ago and will examine test results, attendance records and studies ...
7:30 a.m.
Sun Staff Report
When the Southern Nevada real estate market was white hot a few years ago, mortgage companies came up with creative financing plans that made it easy for individuals who lacked the normal financial wherewithal to ...
7:30 a.m.
When I asked the national boss of Planned Parenthood how she felt about the national leader of the Democratic Party being pro-life...
When I asked the national boss of Planned Parenthood how she felt about the national leader of the Democratic Party being pro-life, she gave me a blank look. Cecile Richards' inability to pinpoint that man ...
7:29 a.m.
Jon Ralston envisions the sad and wacky possibilities of holding the next O.J. trial in Judge Halverson's courtroom
Judge Elizabeth Halverson snapped awake and smiled as she surveyed the crowded courtroom and focused her gaze on O.J. Simpson.
7:29 a.m.
Voice of experience
Mike Gravel was given the Pentagon Papers at midnight outside the Mayflower Hotel in Washington D.C. in June 1971.
7:29 a.m.
If location, location and location are the most important factors in real estate, timing is not far behind.
7:29 a.m.
Speculators bear brunt of foreclosures
If location, location and location are the most important factors in real estate, timing is not far behind.
7:29 a.m.
WHERE I STAND Brian Greenspun shares a message of peace written by his father nearly 34 years ago that is relevant today
On October 5, 1973 , my father, Hank Greenspun, wrote a column with a message of peace that followed Israel's existential Yom Kippur war. Its message has as much meaning today, as our country faces ...
7:28 a.m.
"In the eyes of the rest of the world, this country has shown itself to be one of the major problems of world order. Our desire to use power where and when we please has ...
7:28 a.m.
Editorial: Last-minute legislation
The agency's new authority over drugs was tucked inside legislation that renews two FDA programs that collect fees from drug and medical device manufacturers. The fees help offset the FDA's costs of reviewing products submitted ...
7:28 a.m.
Letter: Social Security would benefit from amnesty
This move would add untold thousands of new workers on payrolls across the nation and pump new blood into our Social Security system.
7:28 a.m.
Letter: Defeat in Iraq is simply not an option
He thinks Bush should work with Democrats or Iraq won't work. How can Bush work with Democrats when they continually undermine the war effort and want to pull out the troops, and when Harry Reid ...
7:27 a.m.
Letter: Senate wasting time with MoveOn resolution
I don't recall the U.S. Senate passing nonbinding resolutions condemning the lying ads that Swift Boated Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry and his record in Vietnam. (John McCain did, however, condemn the ads.)
7:27 a.m.
Editorial: A failure to help
As reported by Timothy Pratt in the Las Vegas Sun on Thursday, the authority failed to use $4.4 million in housing vouchers.
7:27 a.m.
Editorial: A reason to remember
As adjutant to the commandant of the Auschwitz death camp, SS Officer Karl Hocker kept a photo album filled with cheery and smiling faces of his comrades. There is no indication that these are the ...
7:27 a.m.

16 stories