Las Vegas Sun

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Law enforcement:

Metro: Prostitution, drug activity found at topless Rio pool

Updated Thursday, July 30, 2009 | 4 p.m.

Sapphire Pool Arrests

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Map of The Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino

The Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino

3700 W. Flamingo Rd., Las Vegas

Metro Police officers made arrests for “prostitution-related activity” Saturday at the Rio’s Sapphire Pool, police said Wednesday, which resulted in the hotel-casino’s decision to close the pool.

Metro spokesman Bill Cassell said officers in plain clothing did a routine enforcement operation at the topless pool Saturday and arrested 11 people. Cassell didn’t know whether those arrested were employees of the Sapphire Gentlemen’s Club.

The following women were arrested on charges of soliciting prostitution: Andrea Michelle Campbell (two counts), Jennah Lieboff, Melissa Cortney Essmaker, Galiana Slavshea Georgieva (two counts), Elizabeth Alma Corbin, Tobi Jean Sorenson (four counts), Inna Kokin (two counts) and Phoenix Lynn Kuzara (one count). Campbell also was arrested in connection with possession of a controlled substance -- methamphetamine, possession of a controlled substance -- marijuana and possession of narcotics paraphernalia.

Other arrests included Erica Faye Hefley in connection with sale of cocaine and conspiracy to violate the Uniform Controlled Substance Act; Brooke Rebecca Firks for obstructing a public officer; and Victor Manuel Camarillo for sale/possession of cocaine, sale of cocaine, conspiracy to violate the Uniform controlled Substance Act and possession of cocaine with intent to sell.

The Sapphire Pool was the Rio’s topless pool, where the Sapphire Gentlemen’s Club dancers would appear topless during the day. Sapphire removed any mention of the pool from its Web site Tuesday.

Metro does routine enforcement checks at nightclubs, casinos, hotels and pools throughout Las Vegas on a regular basis, Cassell said.

The decision to close the pool was made by the Rio. Cassell said Metro Police did not force or suggest that the property close the pool. No charges will be filed against the Sapphire Gentlemen’s Club or the Rio, Cassell said.

The Rio said in a statement Tuesday night that the “pool complex remains open to guests; however, the property decided to suspend a topless sunbathing option at the resort.”

Rio spokesperson Deanna Pettit said today the property had no further comment on the information released by Metro Police.

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