Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Tire tread failure cited in I-15 crash that killed one, injured five

Area of fatal crash

Failing tire tread is the suspected cause of a single-vehicle accident Wednesday afternoon on Interstate 15 in the southern valley that killed a California woman and injured five others.

The Nevada Highway Patrol reported in a news release this morning that Blanca P. Estela, 39, of Santa Ana, Calif., was pronounced dead at the scene.

She was a passenger in a 2006 Dodge SUV traveling north on I-15. About 12:15 p.m. Wednesday as the vehicle approached State Route 146, the patrol reported, the SUV’s left rear tire lost part of its tread. After the driver hit the brakes, the vehicle spun across the interstate’s outside two lanes and shoulder. When the vehicle left the pavement, it overturned.

The patrol said a 9-year-old girl in the SUV was airlifted to UMC in critical condition. The driver, whose name was not available, and three other passengers were taken by ambulance to UMC with injuries that were not thought to be life-threatening. Trooper Jeremie Elliott said everyone in the SUV was related.

Estela and the 9-year-old, the patrol said, were not wearing seat belts.

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