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July 26, 2024

Kidnapped Green Valley High teen found unharmed at apartment

Updated Saturday, Sept. 1, 2012 | 8:05 a.m.

Surveillance video of Henderson teen kidnapping

Surveillance footage of a Henderson teen's abduction from a neighbor's home sent from the Henderson Police Department, Aug. 31.

Melissa Duran, 17, was kidnapped Friday morning, Aug. 31, from her home and found the next day.

Melissa Duran, 17, was kidnapped Friday morning, Aug. 31, from her home and found the next day.

Seventeen-year-old Melissa Duran is safe and sound, Henderson Police say.

About 21 hours after Duran was kidnapped from her Henderson home, police served a search warrant at an apartment and located Duran, unharmed by her captors, Henderson Police spokesman Keith Paul said Saturday in an email.

No details about the 4:20 a.m. Saturday capture were immediately available.

Duran was kidnapped about 7:30 a.m. Friday from her home on the 300 block of Esquina Drive, near the intersection of Warm Springs Road and Arroyo Grande Boulevard, Henderson Police said.

Two men knocked on the home's door and took Duran when she answered, police said. Ransom demands were made later in two phone calls to Duran's parents, authorities indicated.

The suspects fled from the neighborhood in a red, late model, two-door passenger car with a blue fender on the front passenger side, police said.

An Amber Alert announcing Duran's abduction was issued to ask the public to aid in locating Duran or her captors.

Duran is a senior at Green Valley High School.

Paul said the Duran family did not wish to grant any interviews at this time but indicated police would conduct a news conference later Saturday to more fully discuss the case.

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