Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

A look inside the lives of shooters Jerad Miller, Amanda Miller

Jerad and Amanda Miller

Jerad Miller and Amanda Miller shot and killed two Metro Police officers at a pizza restaurant in Las Vegas and killed another person at a nearby Wal-Mart on Sunday, June 8, 2014.

Jerad and Amanda Miller had a reputation for spouting racist, anti-government views, bragging about their gun collection and boasting that they’d spent time at Cliven Bundy’s ranch during a recent standoff there between armed militia members and federal government agents, according to residents at an apartment complex where it appeared the couple lived.

This story will be updated throughout the day.

Jerad Miller


Video posted to YouTube of Jerad Miller. WARNING: STRONG LANGUAGE

In 2007, Jerad Miller was in and out of jail after being charged with criminal recklessness, possession of marijuana and paraphernalia. A judge eventually waived his jail time but ordered him to go to a diversion program.

Two years later, Miller was charged with battery in March 2009 but a jury found him not guilty at trial.

In 2010, Miller was arrested for three felony counts related to possession of controlled substances. The judge waived his jail time in 2011 and sentenced him to two years of probation and ordered to serve a year in a diversion program for substance abuse treatment.

He married Amanda Woodruff in September of 2012.

In his last Facebook post before Sunday’s fatal shooting, Jerad Miller spoke of the “dawn of a new day.”

“May all of our coming sacrifices be worth it,” the June 7 post read.

Miller’s online presence over the last year includes dozens of Facebook posts and 20 YouTube videos posted under the username USATruePatriot.

The posts and videos depict Miller as a man frustrated with the government to the point where he considered violence.

“To stop this oppression, I fear, can only be accomplished with bloodshed,” Miller wrote in a lengthy rant posted on June 2.

One video posted on Oct. 15, 2012 shows Miller dressed up in full face make-up as the Joker, Batman’s comic book nemesis. The video, titled “joker for president” shows a costumed Miller ranting in front of an American flag.

“Year after year I’ve watched you Americans, my fellow citizens, vote for tyranny,” Miller said. “His other online posts mention having visited the Bundy ranch during Cliven Bundy’s showdown with the federal government in April. They also touch on topics ranging from Benghazi to gun rights to the militia movement.

The anti-government posts are interspersed with snippets from Miller’s life.

One pair of posts from March indicate that Miller had recently gotten a job as a costumed performer on the Strip.

“Starting my job tonight on the strip. My boss rents out costumes for a percentage of my tips!” he wrote. “First day of work went really good, I make an awesome Thor!”

Other posts depicted Miller’s January move from Indiana to Las Vegas with his wife and a vacation the two took to Nashville in September.

Jerad Miller’s Facebook page showed material from anti government organizations like the Three Percenter Nation and Operation American Spring, said Heidi Beirich, a spokeswoman for the Southern Poverty Law Center. Miller also posted a photo of he and Jared Mack, the leader of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, a radical Patriot group whose members were also at the Bundy standoff, Beirich said.

“It is not surprising that people with these views would commit violence,” she said.

Amanda Miller

Amanda Miller’s Facebook is filled with posts detailing her recent move to Las Vegas, photos of a Christmas celebration with family and updates about her relationship with Jerad Miller.

But unlike her husband, there’s little indication from her online activity of any anti-government views Miller may have held.

Miller’s online profile lists her as a graduate of Jefferson High School in Lafayette, Indiana. Several posts detail Amanda Miller starting a new job at Hobby Lobby after moving to Las Vegas earlier this year.

One Facebook post from May 2011 stood out on Amanda Miller’s timeline for its sharp difference in tone compared to her more mundane updates: “to the people of the world...your lucky i can’t kill you now, but remember one day one day i will get you because one day all hell will break lose and i’ll be standing in the middle of it with a shot gun in one hand and a pistol in the other,” she wrote.

Other photos on her Facebook show Amanda Miller holding a gun and posing with books about guns.

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