Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Newest McCarran security fast-pass to depend on biometrics, memberships

Clear airport security


A traveler stops at a Clear kiosk to verify her identity via a fingerprint and make her way through a checkpoint on the way to a security screening.

Travelers willing to pay an annual fee could have an easier time making their way through security checkpoints beginning later this summer at McCarran International Airport.

Clear, a New York-based technology business, announced today that McCarran would be the 10th airport in the country where prescreened members can use their Clear Card to speed through security checkpoints.

The company uses government-approved, advanced-biometric technology (fingerprints and iris recognition) to verify the identity of Clear Card users.

“We are thrilled to be bringing Clear to Las Vegas,” said Caryn Seidman Becker, chief executive officer of Clear.”

Clear said it anticipated launching dedicated members-only security lanes and enrollment kiosks in mid-August in three of McCarran’s checkpoints. Typically, the company said, members get through airport checkpoints in less than 5 minutes. Clear members still must go through security screening.

Annual membership fee is $179. Members can add a spouse or partner for $50 annually; there is no cost for members’ children under 18.

Clear currently operates in nine airports across the country: San Francisco, San Jose, Denver, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston Bush, Houston Hobby, San Antonio, Orlando, and Westchester County, N.Y.

The company says it has a base of more than 300,000 members nationwide who have used its system almost two million times for travel.

Clear in action

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