September 11, 2024

Awards show to honor Clark County’s student heroes

The Las Vegas Sun and Las Vegas Weekly will celebrate outstanding student heroes across Clark County with our first High School Heroes awards show in December.

We’ll shine the spotlight on remarkable actions of heroism, generosity, selflessness and community commitment among the younger generation.

We need your help telling those stories.

The Sun is seeking nominations of students whose heroic individual acts made our town a better place. Some examples: saving someone from drowning; coming to the aid of car-crash victims; standing up for a friend being bullied; helping other students in need; dedication to volunteerism to benefit the community; working to prevent cruelty; and making the lives of others better.

We all have known remarkable young people who go above and beyond for others and we’ve all thought, “This should be recognized.” High School Heroes will do just that.

“Las Vegas is home to many stories of heroism,” said Ray Brewer, the Sun’s managing editor. “Our awards program will detail these stories and celebrate the teenagers who put the good of our community ahead of personal glory. I can’t wait to honor these exceptional students.”

These heroic acts are often done with little recognition, and the teens performing them aren’t searching out the spotlight.

“These students set a great example for their peers — and for the community’s adults,” Brewer said.

The program additionally will focus on heroic acts through volunteerism with categories such as Environmental Helper of the Year for a project focused on saving the environment, and Cultural Advocate of the Year for the student whose project has a positive effect on at-risk groups.

A selection committee of community members and Sun and Weekly staff will judge the nominations. Students will be honored at a formal ceremony.

High School Heroes isn’t the only program hosted by the Sun for the area’s high school students.

The Sun Youth Forum for each of the last 65 years has brought together students for a day of conversations about ways to address some of the world’s problems. We also host the Sun Standout Awards, a sports awards show honoring top high school athletic teams, players and moments.

Nominate your High School Hero through Oct. 7 at this link.