September 24, 2024

Letter to the editor:

We must protect the Constitution

My mother was raised in Nazi Germany. She married an American G.I. after World War II and became a U.S. citizen. She deeply loved this country. She often said that, if not for the Constitution, what happened in Germany could happen here.

She impressed upon me the importance of being a responsible citizen. That included voting, serving in the military, jury duty and, yes, paying taxes.

Now, the country is faced with one of the challenges she warned me about. The Constitution is under attack from people who put their party and personal political interests ahead of the country.

Congress’ decision on whether to impeach the president will profoundly affect the separation of powers and the power of the presidency. Precedent will be set.

When it comes to the Constitution, you don’t lick your finger and see which way the wind blows.

I hope members of Congress look at the facts and at the effect their vote will have on the Constitution and the nation’s future.

Whether the president should be removed from office is for the Senate to decide. Requiring that the president obey the Constitution, honor the separation of powers and abide by the rule of law should be beyond doubt.

My father served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. In writing this letter, I honor my parents and the oath I took in the Navy to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.