September 22, 2024


The choice for voters is clear

With a conservative Republican, we get: privileged health care, tax cuts for the super rich, Space Force and more weapons, lifetime government appointments, climate change denial (with reliance on old technology such as coal-, oil- and gas-powered energy), gerrymandering, and no gun control.

With a progressive Democrat, we get: universal health care, attempts to eliminate hunger and homeless, free education, term limits, recognition of climate change (and development of new technology using renewable energy), “one person, one vote” and sensible gun regulations.

What do you want in a president? Someone with ill-mannered character who delivers rambling presentations? An autocratic ruler who declares news fake and calls himself the “chosen one”? Who says he can shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it and demeans anyone or agency that disagrees with him? Someone who solicits foreign help in an American election and walks away from congressional agreements?

Or do you want civility, someone who can articulate clearly, who respects constitutional liberties, is humble, follows the rule of law, weighs all points of view, honors agreements and understands that it’s illegal to solicit foreign interference in our elections?