September 21, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Insurance is a scam in America

America’s health care costs are the highest in the world because of employer-provided insurance. Employers choose insurance packages that benefit their bottom line, not their employees’ health. That is why deductibles and co-pays often cost more than premiums; because that is the part the employee pays.

Employers don’t pay for health care out of their profits; they pass those costs on to consumers. Consumers pay an average of $3,000 more for a $30,000 U.S.-made automobile simply to cover the costs of health care for auto workers. And that’s true for every product and service consumers purchase. Why should consumers pay the costs of health care for wealthy executives and highly compensated employees?

With employer-provided health insurance, there is no incentive for insurance companies to improve quality or lower costs. We must stop this runaway train before it kills us all. Americans could have health care for all with no out-of-pocket costs just like the rest of the world, if we would just stand up against the lobbyists and their congressional puppets.