September 21, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Put aside your partisanship

On Nov. 21, Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah, referred to the impeachment hearings of President Donald Trump’s alleged bribery of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy as “Impeachapalooza 2019.”

As a 1974 graduate of UNLV, I was fortunate to go to law school in Washington, D.C., and to sit in on many Watergate impeachment committee hearings in which both Senate Democrats and Republicans put country first and worked in a nonpartisan manner to investigate the impeachable crimes of President Richard Nixon.

Now, Republicans in a partisan and nontransparent manner turn a blind eye to the White House administration’s stonewalling of justice by preventing key witnesses like Rudy Giuliani and John Bolton from testifying.

Impeachapalooza? No, bribery is recognized in the Constitution as an impeachable crime. This is what justice and democracy look like.