Las Vegas Sun

June 17, 2024

Letter to the editor:

HOAs wield too much power

The April 2 letter “HOA services aren’t free” depicted how great homeowners associations are. What a fairy tale.

I sat on my community HOA for three years. I learned much about how it operates and the power board members carry.

How and why does an HOA have the authority to foreclose on a home when the resident is paying his or her mortgage?

I moved here from back East, where there were only code enforcers. In the neighborhood where I owned a home, people took pride in their yards and property.

There were parks but the city was responsible for the upkeep, not the residents.

Living here, it is difficult to find a community without an HOA. I know some people might ask why I don’t just move. I will. Let me know an area close to the VA (I’m a disabled Vietnam-era veteran) that doesn’t have an HOA.

As for the time being, I feel like I’m living in Stepford, from the movie “The Stepford Wives.” What is next? Will the HOAs tell everyone how to dress and what to eat?