Las Vegas Sun

June 16, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Quicker response was needed

In the first part of January, our son, an internal medicine/hospitalist in California, started warning us about this virus he read about coming from China. Every day, he would tell us to be aware of this virus because it could end up in the United States as part of a pandemic. He came to this conclusion without the intelligence agencies’ input that President Donald Trump surely had.

Perhaps if Trump took it seriously instead of calling the virus a “hoax” and just the “flu” in late February, our country would have started to respond at least 60 days sooner, and would have saved thousands of lives.

His response, obviously disjointed, has been led by Vice President Mike Pence and now by Jared Kushner — just who the country needs in the time of a medical emergency. Neither of them has a clue about what to do. By the way, son-in-law Jared, the ventilators are not yours and you should not be deciding who receives them. They are ours. The hospitals, doctors and dying patients do not need you involved.

History will document how many lives could have been saved if Trump and Kushner took this seriously and not characterized it as something to make Trump look bad.