September 20, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Supply chain has many vital links

We owe a debt of gratitude to truck drivers who are working extra hard and with fewer amenities during this pandemic. Transportation these days is all about an integrated system of logistics composed of trains, trucks, planes and ships. This system relies on each mode’s strengths. Trucks are imperative for backing up to the dock at Walmart and Vons, while freight trains can move much more volume more efficiently, and at a lower cost.

Freight rail accounts for approximately 40% of U.S. freight moved by ton-miles (the length freight travels), yet only emits 2% of transportation-sector greenhouse gas emissions.

As we look to the supply chain to keep store shelves stocked, rest assured that transportation modes like freight rail serve nearly every sector of the economy — farmers, miners, retailers and manufacturers throughout the country.

The writer is Nevada state director of GoRail, a freight rail advocacy group.