Las Vegas Sun

June 16, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

We deserve each other’s protection

I grew up in the Bible belt, attended summer church camps as a child and did my patriotic duty by enlisting in the Army out of high school. On separating from the Army, my education at a small Christian liberal arts college was delayed until the second semester because the Berlin Wall was built. After graduating from college, I went to graduate school at the University of Utah in the heart of Mormonism.

Because of my life experiences, Jesus for me is neither a demi-god to be worshipped nor a medium through whom one must go when asking for God’s blessing. Jesus was first a man who wanted to change the path his religion was taking and whose teachings included worthy guidelines for earthly living.

There is a right for peaceful protests. However, I am continuing my patriotic duty and following the teachings of Christ by accepting the practice of social distancing and putting life ahead of money.