September 28, 2024


Bear hunt is not sportsmanlike

The Aug. 8 letter “Bear hunting is now necessary” missed the mark.

We can all agree that urban sprawl is not good for wildlife, but loss of habitat, drought and wildfires also negatively affect the animals. I have heard the Nevada Department of Wildlife state during public hearings about the bear hunt that it is not a management tool and that urban bear conflicts could be significantly reduced by the use of bear-resistant containers for trash. The bear hunt has nothing to do with urban bear conflicts.

A Wildlife Values Survey showed that 63% of Nevadans opposed the use of dogs in the bear hunt, but the practice continues. The dogs wear radio-transmitting collars, a violation of fair chase and Nevada Revised Statute 503.010 6(a). Where is the ethics in this practice?

The bear hunt is merely an opportunity for hunters to kill an iconic animal. Hunters have plenty of other big game to kill, and the black bear does not need to be in that group. Wildlife belongs to all of us, not just those who want to kill. Stopping the bear hunt is right, and I hope all Nevadans will get on board with doing so.

Editor's note: The percentage of Nevadans opposed to the use of dogs in bear hunts, according to the Wildlife Values Survey, has been corrected.