September 23, 2024


Fresh ideas are needed in D.C.

My sons think their father is a crusty old man with one foot in the grave. Who knows, they may be right on both counts.

But they’d surely be surprised to find out I totally agree with their political views, especially the one that says our country is on the wrong path and fresh blood is required to reverse course.

President Donald Trump is 74 and Joe Biden will be 78 this fall. These are folks you might expect to be on the board of directors at Shady Oaks Retirement Center, rather than sitting in the Oval Office as leader of the free world.

Being a senior citizen myself, I know the dangers in thinking I’m the same person I was at 65 or even 60. Each year takes an additional toll on my problem-solving skills, not to mention my aching back; there are days when simply getting out of bed becomes an Olympic event.

The time has come — in fact, it’s long overdue — for new blood to be circulating in the body politic, new ideas and new strategies for the coming age enacted by agile and inventive minds.

Toward this end, it should be remembered that Kamala Harris is only 55, and that’s 40 using today’s new online math. If it’s true that she’ll have Biden’s ear in the future, this is critical in our choice this fall.