Las Vegas Sun

June 26, 2024


Nation needs new leader

The upcoming election is the most important of our lifetime.

There are several questions to ask ourselves as we prepare to vote. Donald Trump came into office as a failed businessman and a reality TV star. He did not know much about government.

Usually, presidents take the time to listen to the experts and utilize them to help them make proper decisions. Donald Trump did not do that. He came into office as a racist, narcissist, misogynistic, incompetent person. He still is that person almost four years later.

He has shown he cares nothing about the common man, woman or child in this country. He thinks nothing about putting kids in cages and separating them from their parents at the border. He thinks nothing about people out of work, people who have no health insurance or pre-existing health conditions. He only cares about himself.

We have to ask ourselves how has the COVID-19 crisis affected each of us and our families? How could it have been different?

When we make mistakes, we have to take ownership of those mistakes. Trump has not. He bungled the response of this virus from the beginning. He states he takes no responsibility for any problems associated with it. Well, he disbanded the country’s pandemic unit when he took office. He mishandled the PPE supplies and testing from the start. He denied there was a virus problem and, most importantly, did not listen to the scientists. He claims to know more than the doctors.

You can’t mix politics and science. No one is on the same page about opening up schools, wearing masks etc. It should not be this way. This man should not be elected for another four years, as we will continue to have turmoil. Ask ourselves, what kind of leader do we want in the White House?

We need someone who has empathy for others, who respects science and will listen to the experts in their respective fields. We do not need someone who could not give a damn about the rest of us. Please vote.