September 27, 2024


No reason not to take safe vaccine

I don’t have a college degree but I’m smart enough to listen to doctors and professionals concerning the coronavirus and vaccines.

No time in the history of man has a vaccine been developed, tested and approved for use in under a year.

This virus is worldwide and has killed more than one and a half million people, but when a remedy will be made available, many will balk at receiving it.

Many corrections officers in Las Vegas would rather quit than get the vaccine. What?

So many people are unemployed but they would rather quit a good-paying job so as not to protect themselves, their family and others.

Maybe I’m selfish, as my wife has COPD and is recovering from a stroke, so the virus would probably kill her if she were infected.

But why would people not want to get the vaccine?

It’s selfish to refuse an opportunity to stem the tide of this pandemic by just getting a shot or two.

So don’t get it and continue to see your children being taught at home, businesses continue to cut staff or close altogether, and worst of all, people by the thousands dying every day.