September 20, 2024


GOP cowering in fear of president

As an American citizen, born in the nation’s capital, I am outraged at Moscow Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, and his tactics regarding the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.

If Trump is indeed innocent, as Moscow Mitch says, why in God’s name is he hiding the proceedings from the majority of the American public? If, indeed, Trump has not committed treason or other high crimes — come on, everyone knows he’s committed misdemeanors — why not let him come, even demand he come, and justify his actions?

What is it about Trump that has almost everyone on the Republican side of Congress cowering in corners? He is just a man, not God, and not even a king or dictator.

Trump was invited to participate in House impeachment hearings. He stonewalled. He has been invited to participate in his own trial. He left the country. We are a laughingstock all over the world. Is this what most Americans want in their leader? I hope not, and I hope November’s election bears that out. Trump must go for the sake of the country.