Las Vegas Sun

June 28, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Kushner’s plan is dead on arrival

The Trump-Israeli “peace plan” is being highly praised by President Donald Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. But few others. And no Palestinians.

Unfortunately, it seems to be missing an essential component, i.e., Palestinian participation and support. There was no Palestinian presence whatsoever at Trump’s public announcement with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by his side. Come on back to basics: It has to include the Palestinians and their interest at all levels.

Palestinians were ignored in the process and left behind as Israel continues to take over their land and destroy their rights.

There will never be a “peace plan” without including the Palestinian residents of Israel and Palestinian territory.

The most effective criticism I have heard was from the Palestinian ambassador to Great Britain. He effectively destroyed Trump’s plan. Back to the drawing board, Jared.