September 22, 2024


Hasty action may prove harmful

President Donald Trump’s recent unilateral decision to kill Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the commander of Iran’s Quds force, is running into opposition from both Republicans and Democrats.

There is no question that Soleimani has been labeled a terrorist, and that he at some point should have been eliminated. The question that has been asked and not addressed is why Trump didn’t consult Congress about his decision to kill Soleimani.

The authorization for use of military force (AUMF) was signed into law Sept. 18, 2001. This may have been an illegal act, carried out by Trump.

All we hear from the White House is how bad of a person Soleimani was. Absolutely he was a terrorist who has on his hands the blood of American soldiers. However, not consulting with Congress on plans to kill Soleimani was not the way to go.

I hope and pray that Trump has not opened a Pandora’s box with Iran and that our young, brave military personnel will not end up having to pay for it with their lives, or their limbs.