September 22, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Teachers deserve better treatment

Some people suggest that due to the monetary value of fringe benefits, teachers shouldn’t complain about their low pay. Yet, most jobs in the private sector come with fringe benefits. Many of those benefits are more valuable than those that come with a teacher’s pay. The health insurance benefit for teachers, for instance, comes with a heavy burden of co-payments and other problems.

Teachers arrive 30 to 60 minutes before the school day and, upon returning home, many spend several hours reading essays, grading papers and preparing lesson plans for the next day. Most jobs in the private sector don’t require after-hours preparation time.

Not many jobs require employees to provide their own materials for work. The average school teacher spends $479 a year on classroom supplies. Some also keep a drawer stocked with food for hungry children.

Tuition at UNLV costs in excess of $7,000 a year. Multiply that by four or five years and you have the required “application fee” for teachers. That does not include room, board and books.

Teachers deserve our support, our appreciation and a boost in their salary.