September 21, 2024


Democrats need another FDR

There is a gathering storm in the Democratic Party concerning the leadership and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.

Franklin D. Roosevelt would probably not be elected given today’s political standards. And who controls the standards today? Do the regular people who put food on the table and take a shower after work? Do the people who sit behind a desk and look at numbers on a computer screen to see how much they are going to make for the day?

In the Democratic Party, there is fear of a rise of Americans who favor Sanders and his “radical ideas” standing up and being counted.

Let’s not forget, FDR started Social Security. Let us not forget the massive unemployment at the time and what FDR did by creating government jobs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps and many other things that quickly got the nation up and running. Needless to say, business did not like what he was doing.

Now, Sanders is talking about raising taxes on the ultra-rich. What’s wrong with that? What’s wrong with taxing corporations? People’s real incomes have not gone up in decades, except union members.

The Democratic Party fears Sanders and his FDR way of thinking. Yet FDR was way ahead of his time in supporting the American people.