Las Vegas Sun

May 2, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Teach love, not hate, America

Where is the outrage? A transgender person was killed in Puerto Rico, apparently for looking different than other people when trying to use a bathroom.

At least 26 trans persons were killed in the United States last year, according to CNN. What is a trans person supposed to do?

I thought we were a country of individuals who take pride in everyone’s right to the pursuit of happiness. Newborn children don’t have the capacity to hate people who don’t look like them, so this has to be something taught by parents and/or acquaintances.

What can possibly be a reason to teach hate? It disturbs me that more people are not expressing outrage at the thought of certain people not being free to live their lives as they see fit, as long as they stay within the rule of law.

Who is with me? Speak up, write, message, email, telephone your representative. Make a noise for freedom and individual rights, Americans! Stop unjustifiable violence in its tracks.