September 25, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Trump has a chance to shine

Bravo and kudos to President Donald Trump for his proactive economic measures to help cushion the blow of the impact of the coronavirus.

I have two suggestions to add.

First, offer a one-time lump sum 50% discount to any individual, married couple or business with an outstanding federal tax bill. The proceeds of this discount should go directly to a wall fund. If this virus has illustrated anything, it’s that we have to seal our borders immediately.

In addition, because China is responsible for this scourge on our shores, as reparations, Trump needs to tell China that whatever trillions of dollars we owe them as part of our $23 trillion national debt is now forgiven and wiped off the books. The savings of this debt payment should be forwarded to the American middle class in the form of a massive tax cut.

Throughout American history, adversity has a way of bringing out the best in our leaders. And I believe Trump will rise up to this challenge and this test will be looked back upon as his “finest hour.”