September 24, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Voting him out is message enough

In the March 11 letter “Trump doesn’t need a nickname,” the writer noted that the president resorts to name-calling and argued that the name “Trump” elicits such a negative feeling that to add anything would be redundant.

I agree, for you only resort to name-calling when you don’t have an intelligent response to an argument.

Such arguments against Trump include: being impeached; being charged as an unnamed co-conspirator in a campaign fraud indictment; admission of theft from his charitable foundation; failure to condemn Saudi Arabia for the murder and dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi; the tepid response to the coronavirus pandemic; use of veterans’ benefits to build a pointless wall, etc.

No, anti-Trumpers don’t need to resort to such Trump-like name-calling. Rather, a term that is deserving of Donald Trump and hoped for by most Americans will suffice: One-Term Trump.