Las Vegas Sun

June 27, 2024


Trump keeps going lower

President Donald Trump has suggested nuking hurricanes, made derogatory statements about women, hurled insults at reporters when they’ve asked legitimate questions, and used daily press briefings as a forum to mostly propagate his ego.

He has said we should stay locked down and then tweeted to his supporters that they should protest and demand that their states reopen. This is a dangerous mixed message.

Trump has said that disinfectants and UV light kill the coronavirus, then “sarcastically” suggested we figure a way to inject those deadly toxins into our bodies. These aren’t statements taken out of context, they’re his words.

So my question to Trump’s supporters is this: Is he really the leader you wanted? You’ve defended most everything he’s done and said, and yet he finds ways to fall deeper into the abyss of ignorance.

What if he took your weapons and worried about the Second Amendment later, or took away our freedom of speech and free press, which he has suggested?

This experiment has gone far enough and is now costing lives, jobs, money and our standing on the world stage. Trump is undoing, in less than one term, all the good we have fought for over the past 70-plus years. And if you’re continuing to support him so you can anger Democrats, we are outraged, so good job. Now, let’s join together and vote this incompetent lunatic out of office.