September 22, 2024


Breathing smoke now is too risky

I have visited Las Vegas many times. I spend money at the gaming tables and on the slots. I patronize the restaurants, tip generously, and buy items at local stores.

I also don’t smoke. In the past, that hasn’t been a problem because resorts’ air conditioning systems are better than they once were, and the number of smokers has decreased.

I was astonished, though, that the Gaming Control Board, in its bulletin about reopening casinos, did not ban smoking. It’s a waste of time and energy to have staff wear masks and gloves, spray and clean surfaces frequently, remove slot seats or limit the number of players at a table if players can smoke or not wear masks.

People blow smoke from inside their lungs into the air, and those exhalations settle on tables, machines, chairs and people. Even frequent cleaning can’t keep up with that.

Some smokers may be carrying the coronavirus even if they are asymptomatic, so if smoking is allowed, that defeats the purpose of cleaning measures and gives the lie to the mantra of “we care about our players’ and employees’ health.”

I don’t want smokers’ potentially infectious exhalations settling on my skin, hair, eyes or clothing. I can’t be the only visitor who has similar doubts about returning if smoking is allowed. Are the board and the casinos willing to sacrifice the health of all players to the selfishness of some?

The board should reconsider this issue and casino ownership should do the right thing.